You have permission
Updated: Mar 25, 2019

Inspired by Leonie Dawson's heartstopped blog of the same name, the beautiful Mums in our More Mojo community, Amy Taylor-Kabaz of Happy Mama and the exquisite women of her Divine Life programme and of course heartwarming conversations with my fabulous friends as we raise our children and ourselves together.
You have permission to find motherhood challenging, confronting, frustrating
You have permission to let it be your biggest lesson
You have permission to fail spectacularly
You have permission to try again and again and again
You have permission to be good enough
You have permission to not know who you are now
You have permission to be different to who you were before
You have permission to redefine who you are and what you want
You have permission to work full-time, part-time or not at all
You have permission to stop overcompensating for your choice
You have permission to change your mind
You have permission to do big things in this world
You have permission to do small things that mean the world
You have permission to say fuck fuckety fuck
You have permission to scream and shout and tantrum if that's what you need to do today to move forward tomorrow
You have permission to care so deeply it hurts
You have permission to not give a shit
You have permission to prioritise plucking your eyebrows, cutting your toenails, having a wee
You have permission to put yourself first, to show your kids a new way and a new you
You have permission to create strong boundaries
You have permission to go to bed at 9 PM.
You have permission to stay up till 1 AM
You have permission to give your all
You have permission to keep something that's just for you
You have permission to say “I've done enough for now”
You have permission to ask more of your relationships, to feel supported, respected and uplifted by them
You have permission to ask more of yourself and give what you want to receive You have permission to ask less of yourself, to say “no” to building the fort, crafting, baking, Lego, Play-Doh
You have permission to say “no not right now”, you have permission to say “no not ever” and you have permission to pause before you decide
You have permission to say “not right now” to sweeping the floor, wiping the counter, loading the dishwasher
You have permission to order takeout, to streamline your life
You have permission to need support, to ask for support and permission to receive it
You have permission to go against the mainstream and do what feels is best for you and your child
You have permission to contradict yourself
You have permission to find your people, permission to get involved or stand apart
You have permission to make waves or start ripples
You have permission to stress less
You have permission to want more, more rest, more fun, more sex
You have permission to ask for what you want both outside and inside the bedroom
You have permission for that to be different to what you wanted before you were a mum
You have permission to do less, permission to feel more
You have permission to be whoever you want to be
You have permission to love fiercely
You have permission to use no as a full sentence
You have permission to still wear your maternity jeans
You have permission to buy a whole new wardrobe
You have permission to Marie Kondo the bejeebers out of your home or finally just embrace the chaos of living with small humans
You have permission to cross your legs when you sneeze and permission to see a specialist to sort that out!
You have permission to shun the PTA. You have permission to run the PTA
You have permission to socialise
You have permission to go to the cinema on your own on a Tuesday morning
You have permission to binge watch Netflix
You have permission to spend time doing what brings you joy, even if it is completely pointless in every other sense
You have permission to say no to one more story
You have permission to say yes to one more story
You have permission to rewrite the God Damn story
You have permission to be strong and powerful alongside soft and loving
You have permission to have off days
You have permission to just be in this moment
You have permission
You have permission
You have permission
Naomi xxx Go to podcasts to listen to 'You have permission' as a podcast.
Your writing is alive with such empathic emotion, Naomi ❤ Every permission moves me from one wave of emotion to the next and I am crying and laughing and letting go and feeling relief and hope and therapeutic for me today! 💕 The permission to be different to who I was before' is singing for my acceptance...